Saturday, June 05, 2010

Strangeness in NYC

So how did it become okay to make fun of a blind person *for being blind* in the one and only case of the Governor of New York?  I mean in no other venue and for no other person do we, the politically correct haven of understanding and intolerance of abusive humor, accept debasing humor of a person's disability.  But for Paterson it's perfectly fine to make blind-guy-bumping-into-stuff jokes.

Seems so strange.


shadowfax said...

explanatory link?

Matt Dick said...

No link... I've been thinking this for a long while from a variety of venues. I decided to write because last night I happened across Saturday Night Live where they spoofed a press conference from Paterson and had him bumping into stuff, facing the wrong way, etc.

Unknown said...

I cringe and laugh at those SNL skits.

Matt Dick said...

Well me too, but that's what I'm talking about... it just seems that Paterson is unique in that we get to point at him and say, "look the blind guy is funny because he can't see!"